Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Is A Special Day!

Well it's Monday, and its a special day today....It's my oldest grandsons birthday...he turns the "Big 11".
He's a special young man, sharp, smart, handsome....just like his Poppa!  I couldn't be more proud of him.  His dad refers to him as their "in-house IT man". IT as in informational technology.

I'm sure for those of you that have grandchildren you can relate to this... I find it amazing that they are so much further along brain wise, in grasping today's electronics then I ever will be....with all the new technology that's come out, it seems that they can pick up any type of controller, use a computer, hook up the tv to the vcr, and to the surround sound,  then "Boom", instantly know how to play it, or how to navigate, and use it to it's fullest capabilities.  All the while, I'm still trying to figure out how to turn the damn thing on!

At what point, did I lose it, and at what point did these little people find it? I know back in my day we were limited to what was available, which wasn't much for sure, but dang it, I'm a grown up "shouldn't I be able to pick up on these things quickly", instead I'm getting lessons on usage from someone that isn't even old enough to vote, drive, go to pg 13 rated movies, or hasn't even entered puberty yet.  My answer is......I guess not!

So I think I will just be content with the knowledge that if I do run into a problem with my computer, tv, digital camera, cell phone, or any other item that requires a subject matter IT man is only a phone call away.

Happy Birthday Kyler!

1 comment:

  1. This is the truth! Happy Birthday to the best 11 year old I know.
